Hague moves toward an international convention

Hague moves toward an international convention

When babies move between countries, at times the rules that apply appear to be inconsistent, if any. Each country seems to be making up their own rules, which are often inconsistent with other countries’ rules.

For over 100 years a number of countries, including Australia, have met at The Hague in the Netherlands and agreed to conventions covering international rules, including the Hague Inter-country Adoption Convention and the Hague Child Abduction Convention, to name two. The organisation at The Hague  is called The Hague Conference on Private International Law.

For some time now, as I have blogged before, The Hague Conference has been looking at the possibility of a Hague Convention concerning private international arrangements for children, including international surrogacy arrangements.

It looks as though there will be the bare bones version of a convention early next year, after The Hague Conference agreed to convene a group of experts early next year to look at private international rules concerning children, including international surrogacy arrangements.The group should be geographically representative and should be appointed in consultation with member nations.

When I was asked by any number of media following the Baby Gammy saga about how to prevent it happening again, I said that there were three ways:

  1. Australia allowing compensated surrogacy under a national system, so that we were not exporting our problems around the world. Australians generally would rather undertake surrogacy at home not abroad, if it is available.
  2. Australia seeking to persuade other countries to put in place appropriate standards for IVF and surrogacy, to minimise the possibility of trafficking and exploitation.
  3. There being a sensible Hague Convention.
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Hopefully,  this step by The Hague Conference will bring about the last of these.

Things to Read, Watch & Listen

What You Need to Know About Adoption in Australia

In this video, Award-Winning surrogacy lawyer and Accredited Family Law Specialist, Stephen Page reveals the key things that you need to know regarding adoption in Australia.

Same Sex Couples & Adoption in Australia

In this video, Award-Winning surrogacy lawyer and Accredited Family Law Specialist, Stephen Page covers the essential legal steps for same-sex couples adopting in Australia.

The Pope’s cruel take on surrogacy

“I’m beautiful in my way ’cause God makes no mistakes I’m on the right track, baby, I was born this way” Lady Gaga I am outraged at the steps by the Pope’s call to stop surrogacy and be critical of LGBTQIA+ people.  It is no surprise, but it still saddens me. On Monday 8 April… Read More »The Pope’s cruel take on surrogacy

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