I’m sorry, Shan Ju Lin, I don’t want to be treated like a patient
These days we are more enlightened. Back when Paul Keating was in power, after Australia got a drubbing at the United Nations because Tasmania still had the offence on the books of sodomy between men, the Commonwealth Parliament passed laws to make it a human right that those having sex in private were entitled to just that= privacy and not to be prosecuted.
Despite this history, in wades then One Nation candidate Shan Ju Lin who said on Facebook that “gays should be treated as patients”. I am glad that One Nation dumped her.
I have asthma and have had it all my life. I am happy to be treated in hospital for my asthma and other ailments, but not for my sexual orientation. I don’t want either me or anyone like me to be treated like a patient- based on our sexuality, dragged back 40 years, deemed mentally unwell, prevented from undertaking our jobs, demonised, being detained in a psych ward, and then having my brain zapped. Such a concept is abhorrent.
As then US Secretary of State Hilary Clinton told the UN in Geneva six years ago: “Gay rights are human rights.”
Or to put it the way Thomas Jefferson put it over 200 years ago: “All men are created equal.” Anything less than that is not good enough.