Attorney comments on Inaugural Family Law Systems Conference- there will be more

Attorney comments on Inaugural Family Law Systems Conference- there will be more

Attorney-General Robert McClelland today thanked the family law practitioners attending the Inaugural Family Law System Conference for the enthusiasm and commitment shown during discussions on new and innovative ways to improve the family law system.
The two-day conference has been attended by almost 200 representatives from the courts, legal practitioners, legal aid, community legal services and family relationship services.
It identified access to justice and building an integrated family law system as important targets for the future.
Mr McClelland said conference participants had discussed a broad range of issues, including assessing clients’ needs, referral and information sharing, and working together for better outcomes.
“The conference was an unprecedented opportunity for family law practitioners to come together and discuss how to improve outcomes for families who access the family law system,” he said.
“It is essential that we keep searching and identifying ways to improve how the family law system works.”
Following the success of this year’s inaugural conference, Mr McClelland has announced that the conference will become an annual event.

Source: Ministerial Media Release

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