Australian Story Tonight- Catherine Smith

Australian Story Tonight- Catherine Smith

Catherine Smith

Normally I would not plug a TV show, but I was touched by this ABC media release:

They say everybody has a breaking point. After 30 years Catherine Smith finally reached hers.

For three decades, Catherine Smith endured sadistic domestic violence described as one of the most extreme examples ever witnessed in Australia.

Finally two years ago, she pointed a loaded gun at her estranged husband Kevin Smith.

The result … a landmark court case that drove a jury to tears.


Tonight at 8pm, ABC1

Tuesday 2 September at 8pm, ABC2

Saturday 6 September at 12.30pm, ABC1

Things to Read, Watch & Listen

The Complexity of Surrogacy in Australia

In this video, Stephen Page from Page Provan Family and Fertility Lawyers explores the complexities surrounding surrogacy in Australia.

Proposed Changes to Assisted Reproductive Technology in New South Wales

In this video, Page Provan Director and award-winning surrogacy lawyer Stephen Page discusses the proposed changes to assisted reproductive technology in New South Wales.

Do Grandparents Have Rights in Family Law

In this video, Bruce Provan, Managing Director of Page Provan Family and Fertility Lawyers, addresses the important issue of grandparents’ rights in Australia.

Family Law Section Law Council of Australia Award
Member of Queensland law society
Family law Practitioners Association
International Academy of Family Lawyers - IAFL
Mediator Standards Board