Back in the saddle- and blogging again!

Back in the saddle- and blogging again!

It has been many months since I last blogged, the most that has passed since I first started blogging in 2007.

I apologise to my followers. In life we receive challenges on a daily basis, and then sometimes we receive even bigger challenges. Eleven months ago my mum died. She was old, but her death was sudden. The grieving process can be very difficult to get through at times.

So I’m going to talk about other, happier things that have happened in the last few months:


  • In November last year, after we played our bit to ensure a positive outcome in the postal ballot (there was simply too much news to put on the blog, but I kept up to date on my Twitter feed), my husband Mitchell and I were with the crowd at Queens Park in Brisbane when the result was announced. We hugged, cheered, and wept tears of joy. The only emotions that swept over me were elation and relief. Finally, it was going to happen!
  • Instead of my rushing back to work, we went to the Treasury Casino instead and had a glass of bubbles to celebrate. We ended up in a bar to have our drink, and spread the good news. And then where we were dawned on us. When Mitch and I were married in 2015 in Vegas, our wedding was livestreamed. It seems that in addition to the 12 people at the wedding, about 250 people in 5 countries also watched us get hitched. One of those was in Brisbane- in that very bar- armed with her iPad and a glass of champagne to celebrate our nuptials. What a moment!
  • In January I spoke at the Equality Now conference in Melbourne. Again, although late, I will be posting about that too.
  • In February, I presented for Iris Education in Brisbane to doctors who dealt with trans issues. One of the matters I commented on was the requirement in Queensland for trans people seeking to change their gender marker on the birth register to be divorced. To my amazement, subsequently the Queensland Parliament moved to correct this – and with bipartisan support. I made a written submission in support of the change.
  • In March and again in May I presented about the changes caused by the amendments to the Marriage Act.
  • In March I presented at the South African family law conference. Regrettably, South Africa has as many challenges as we do when it comes to family law- and worse. Their courts are less resourced than ours, and the rate of domestic violence is so much worse.
  • In April I attended an IVF clinic in Portland, Oregon. After that it was off to the Academy of Adoption and Assisted Reproduction Attorneys annual meeting in Kansas City- and then the American Bar Association’s family law/ART  conference in Nashville, where I presented.
  • In May/June, I attended the annual meeting of the International Academy of Family Lawyers in Tokyo, including the launch of the Asia Pacific Chapter. I am a committee member of the LGBT Committee and the Parentage/Surrogacy Committee of the Academy, as well as a member of the Chapter.
  • During all of this I remained busy at work, and continued my work as a member of the Equity and Diversity Committee of the Queensland Law Society.
  • And finally, last October in Sydney I again chaired the meeting of the LGBT Family Law Institute Australia. The next one is in Brisbane in October- and planning is well under way for another successful event.

Introducing me at one of my presentations in March, a long time colleague described me as which Stephen Page- Stephen Page the lawyer, or Stephen Page with all his other activities in addition to fulltime legal work. He then said that I was an Energizer bunny!

Things to Read, Watch & Listen

When is it too late for a Property Settlement?

In this video, Page Provan, Managing Director, Bruce Provan answers the commonly asked question, “when is it too late to do a property settlement in family law”?

Championing Surrogacy Rights: Cast Your Vote for Stephen in the Australian Surrogacy and Donor Awards

Please vote in the Australian Surrogacy and Donor Awards I am honoured to be a nominee in the Surrogacy Person of the Year Award in the Australian Surrogacy and Donor Awards. PLEASE VOTE. This vote is a popularity contest. The winner is determined by the number of votes. Every vote is vital. Why pick me? No… Read More »Championing Surrogacy Rights: Cast Your Vote for Stephen in the Australian Surrogacy and Donor Awards

Surrogacy in Sri Lanka

In this video, award-winning surrogacy lawyer, Stephen Page discusses Surrogacy in Sri Lanka.

Family Law Section Law Council of Australia Award
Member of Queensland law society
Family law Practitioners Association
International Academy of Family Lawyers - IAFL
Mediator Standards Board