Crime stats: women 5 1/2 times more likely to be killed by their partner than men

Crime stats: women 5 1/2 times more likely to be killed by their partner than men

The Australian Institute of Criminology has just released its 2008 national crime statistics [PDF file 8mb] .


There were 282 homicides in 2006-2007. The homicide rate was 1.9 per 100,000 in 1996 (which includes the 35 victims of the Port Arthur massacre) and was at its highest in 1999, at 2.0 per 100,000. In 2007, the rate was 1.3 per 100,000, the lowest recorded (since 1996).

Almost two-thirds, 65% of homicides occur in a home, outbuilding or adjoining land.

More men than women are victims of homicide.

90% of the victims of homicide were victims of murder, 10% the victims of manslaughter.

36% of male victims in 2006–07 (as opposed to 10% of female victims) were killed by a friend or acquaintance.

As a group, women were 5 1/2 times more likely than men to be killed by their intimate partner: 56% of female victims (as opposed to 10% of male victims) were killed by an intimate partner.

Female victims were also more likely than male victims (21% and 15% respectively)
to have been killed by a family member.

26 % of males, and 4%of females, were killed by a stranger.

The most common instrument used to kill was a knife: 42%.

The most likely age range to be killed for both men and women is 25-44. The next most likely is 15-24.

Something is working with firearms, because not only is the rate of homicide down, but also homicide from firearms is down – to 10% in 2006-2007, decreasing from 26% in 1989-1990.

Sexual Assault

The rate of recorded sexual assault increased between 1997 and 2007, from 78 to 94 people per 100,000 per year.

Two-thirds, or 66% of sexual assaults occurred in a home or adjoining outbuilding or land.

Sexual assaults are lowest in winter- from April to July, and highest in summer- January to March.

There is an absence of data about victim-offender relationships and ages of victims.


There were 176,427 assaults in 2006-2007. Assaults continue to represent the majority of recorded violent crimes. The overall trend since 1996 has been upward, with an increase of 55 percent between 1996 and 2007.

The 2007 assault rate was the highest recorded since 1996.

The recorded assault increased in 2007 to 840 per 100,000, compared with 623 per 100,000 in 1996. Unfortunately, there are no statistics available for victim-offender relationships.

The home is again the least safe place to be: 45% of assaults occurred in the home or adjoining outbuildings or land.

Fifty-eight percent of recorded assault victims in 2007 were male. Males had higher victimisation rates than females in all age groups.

In a reverse of the homicide statistics, as in previous years, males and females aged 15 to 24 experienced assault at the highest rates. The next highest was 25-44.

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