E-petition to stop the disciminatory surrogacy changes

E-petition to stop the disciminatory surrogacy changes

It is vital that if you are of the view, as I am that, Queensland should not discriminate on the basis of sexuality or gender to decide who can and cannot be parents, you should take action to let politicians know how you feel.

I will use here the words of two clients:

  • the client who told me that he regrets having voted for Campbell Newman, and feels “soiled”,  “cheated” and “lied to”. In my many years of family law, the expressions by clients of anger and despair about the actions of politicians, especially the feeling of being “lied to” is the strongest I have ever seen.
  • the client who told me that this is a case of the “Government playing God” in determining who can and cannot be parents. In other words, picking winners and losers. “Winners” are married couples or those in heterosexual de facto relationships of over 2 years. “Losers” are same sex couples, singles, and those in heterosexual de facto couples of less than 2 years. The reality is that all of us and all intended parents are “losers” because the innate desire to have children is with many of us, and to decide on some rule, without prior consultation with the people as to who is excluded, in breach of our international human rights obligations, means that the Government could at any other time devise another arbitrary rule again excluding people it doesn’t like. To say who can or cannot have a child in a purely arbitrary manner is cruel.

There are a number of ways that you can help:

  1. If you are a Queensland resident, sign the e petition. There are now over 2000 signatures. More are needed! Do not accept the outcome as inevitable nor pre-destined. The more people who take action and tell politicians that, they are opposed to the changes, the better. The e-petition can be found here: http://www.parliament.qld.gov.au/work-of-assembly/petitions/e-petitions
  2. Join the Facebook group, and take up the hints as to what action you can take:  http://www.facebook.com/groups/359599047447237/
  3. Email Campbell Newman and let him know what you think. Obviously keep it respectful. premiers.master@premiers.qld.gov.au 
  4. Email the Attorney-General, Jarrod Bleijie: attorney@ministerial.qld.gov.au and let him know what you think.
  5. Phone and then see your local State MP. If you don’t know who it is, search here: http://www.parliament.qld.gov.au/members/current/list . You can search by name or name of electorate, gender, and party.

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