Family Court: husband restrained from calling wife a lesbian

Family Court: husband restrained from calling wife a lesbian

In the recent Family Court case of Sceterra and Sceterra, the husband was restrained from calling the wife a lesbian.

Justice Watts said this about the husband’s behaviour:

The husband on a number of occasions made allegations that the wife was having affairs with her teenage son’s friends and that she was having a lesbian relationship. It is not controversial that the husband had sent letters to the wife’s neighbours telling them that she was a lesbian “because they need to know what they are living near.” The husband indicated to [by a report writer] that he had seen the wife in a motor vehicle with one of S’s friends and has seen cars parked out the front of the wife’s home and believes that those cars belong to the wife’s teenage lovers. [The report writer] in her report records that he told her, “I’ve seen [the wife] with the boys. I have seen a car parked outside the house when [S] wasn’t home” and “I have seen her in a car with him (teenage boy).”

I find that these allegations made by the husband are without substance and are in fact fabricated. This behaviour by the husband is indicative of obsessive behaviour, which is part of the family violence alleged by the wife. I find that the husband deliberately set out to publicly denigrate and destroy the wife’s character.

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Why Judicial Oversight Should Always Be the BackStop in Surrogacy Matters

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In this video, Award Winning Surrogacy Lawyer, Stephen Page discusses the importance of a binding contract in surrogacy matters.

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