Going to court about your children: Step 1- getting the certificate: update

Going to court about your children: Step 1- getting the certificate: update

Since my last posting on this subject, I had a very long discussion with the head of an organisation that offers dispute resolution for parents.

I asked whether the change to the laws to forcer parents to attend dispute resolution had made any difference to the mind set of the parents attending- the whole aim of the exercise as expressed by the Howard government.

The answer? The vast majority participate ( I was told 80%) merely to get the certificate, not to negotiate in a meaningful manner about their children.

Things to Read, Watch & Listen

The Complexity of Surrogacy in Australia

In this video, Stephen Page from Page Provan Family and Fertility Lawyers explores the complexities surrounding surrogacy in Australia.

Proposed Changes to Assisted Reproductive Technology in New South Wales

In this video, Page Provan Director and award-winning surrogacy lawyer Stephen Page discusses the proposed changes to assisted reproductive technology in New South Wales.

Do Grandparents Have Rights in Family Law

In this video, Bruce Provan, Managing Director of Page Provan Family and Fertility Lawyers, addresses the important issue of grandparents’ rights in Australia.

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International Academy of Family Lawyers - IAFL
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