Government: Aussies Get Out of the Ukraine

Government: Aussies Get Out of the Ukraine

The Australian Government has recommended that all Australians in the Ukraine leave the Ukraine immediately. The move comes after the build up of over 100,000 Russian troops in Russia and Belarus, all bordering Ukraine, and the high risk that Russia will invade the Ukraine.

The call by the Australian Government echoes calls by the UK and US Governments which have also called for their citizens to leave the Ukraine immediately.

Ukraine has been a popular destination for Australians undertaking surrogacy in recent years, being the second most popular destination that Australian intended parents go to, after the United States. The number of children born there via surrogacy to Australian intended parents has been significant, in the years ended 30 June, according to the Department of Home Affairs:

  • 2018: 32
  • 2019: 61
  • 2020: 50
  • 2021: 38

In the four months between 1 July 2021 and 31 October 2021 14 children were born there via surrogacy who applied for Australian citizenship by descent from the Department of Home Affairs.  The projected number of children to be born there in the current financial year is 42.

It is inevitable that there are now or will be Australian intended parents dealing with currently pregnant surrogates in the Ukraine, or Australian intended parents who have a newborn baby currently in the Ukraine.

Ukraine has remained popular for Australian intended parents for surrogacy, despite laws in some States that make it illegal to engage in commercial surrogacy overseas.

I hope that Australian intended parents, their babies and their surrogates, are safe in these awful hours.

Things to Read, Watch & Listen

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