Greece may recognise Australian family law orders

Greece may recognise Australian family law orders

The Australian Government will work with Greece towards introducing mutual recognition of family law orders, Attorney-General Philip Ruddock has announced.

“An agreement with Greece would ensure that divorce certificates and family law orders regarding children would be recognised in the courts of both countries,” Mr Ruddock said.
Australia and Greece are to set-up a joint working party to explore ways to introduce recognition of family law orders between the two countries.
“With 125,000 Greek-born people living in Australia and extensive migration from Greece during the 1950s and 1960s, an agreement with Greece would help the two countries continue to enjoy a close cultural relationship,” Mr Ruddock said.
The need for a mutual agreement was discussed between Prime Minister John Howard and Greek Prime Minister Kostas Karamanlis during his visit to Canberra on 23 May 2007.

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