I got married!

I got married!

One month ago I got married to my husband Mitch in Las Vegas. We had a small number of American friends at the ceremony, and about four or five times that watching in the US, Canada and Australia as the wedding was streamed live. It was a non-denominational religious ceremony. Elvis was not present!

Originally we were going to wait until the law changed in Australia to enable us to marry. It hasn’t, despite predictions that it might have changed back in August. We had decided to get married in New Zealand, with a special trip there. In October I had to travel to the US to present to the Bar Association of San Francisco seminar on surrogacy and to speak at the AAARTA (American Academy of Assisted Reproductive Technology Attorneys) conference in Chicago. The plan was always to go to Las Vegas to visit the Fertility Center of Las Vegas and our good friends there, Dr Bruce Shapiro, Dr Said Daneshmand and Shiva Price. Then we thought- if we are going to be there anyway, we should take advantage of it and get married there. And we did! With lots of help from our American friends, but especially Shiva Price, Dr Daneshmand and Dr Shapiro.

The day before the wedding we flew in from Chicago. The day after it was back to work duties and flying back home. No honeymoon yet!

With our good friends (best man) Dr Said Daneshmand, Rich Vaughn and Dr Kim Bergman

Things to Read, Watch & Listen

How to Avoid a Nightmare: The Benefits of Egg Donor Agreements

Learn how egg donor agreements can help you avoid a nightmare scenario in surrogacy. Discover the benefits of setting clear terms and conditions before starting the process.

Should You Go to Mexico for Surrogacy?

Surrogacy in Mexico is a complex process, especially for Australians considering options overseas. Mexico has emerged as a popular destination for surrogacy, but it’s essential to understand the legalities and logistics involved before making any decisions.

When is it too late for a Property Settlement?

In this video, Page Provan, Managing Director, Bruce Provan answers the commonly asked question, “when is it too late to do a property settlement in family law”?

Family Law Section Law Council of Australia Award
Member of Queensland law society
Family law Practitioners Association
International Academy of Family Lawyers - IAFL
Mediator Standards Board