Lawyer who challenged India’s anti-sodomy laws to speak in Sydney

Lawyer who challenged India’s anti-sodomy laws to speak in Sydney

Anand Grover

The lawyer who led the team that succeeded in challenging India’s anti-sodomy laws, Anand Grover, will be speaking in Sydney on 30 November at the annual John Marsden Lecture.

Grover has since been appointed by the UN as a Special Rapporteur on Health.

He will be introduced at the lecture by retired High Court judge, Michael Kirby.

The lecture is named after the late John Marsden, the former NSW Law Society President and prominent gay rights activist.

Details of the function:

“Overturning India’s Anti-sodomy Law, a Tumultuous Path to Victory”
6.00 for 6.30pm Monday 30 November 2009,
The Grand Lodge Room, Sydney Masonic Centre
66 Goulburn Street (corner of Castlereagh St), Sydney

Cost: FREE

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