One stop website to be created for anti-discrimination claims

One stop website to be created for anti-discrimination claims

Attorney-General Robert McClelland today welcomed the agreement of the States and Territories to create a National Anti‑Discrimination Information Gateway.

This single website will provide a one-stop shop for all Australians to access information relevant to their discrimination issue.

“There are separate anti-discrimination laws and commissions in every jurisdiction, which can make it difficult for people to raise concerns or find out the information they need,” Mr McClelland said.
“This one-stop shop will make it easier and simpler for individuals and businesses to get information on human rights and the relevant anti-discrimination commission.”
This implements the first stage of a project launched earlier this year to harmonise anti-discrimination laws across Australia. The website, to be hosted by the Commonwealth, will be launched in early 2009.

Attorneys also agreed to improve the mutual recognition of powers of attorney between jurisdictions, including the consideration of a national form.

“It is unacceptable, particularly for older Australians or those travelling, that a power of attorney made in one jurisdiction is still not automatically valid in other jurisdictions,” Mr McClelland said.

The project implements a recommendation of the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs’ reports on Harmonisation of legal systems within Australia and between Australia and New Zealand.

Source: Ministerial Media Release

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