Politics in the pub debate

Politics in the pub debate

Last night I spoke at New Farm Neighbourhood Centre’s Politics in the Pub debate at the Brisbane Powerhouse. The topic of debate was about whether or not Australia should have same sex marriage. The other speakers were Shelley Argent from PFLAG, Sharon Danes from Australians for Marriage Equality and Michael Ord from the Australian Family Association. It was a lively debate with lots of questions. I spoke in favour of equality, and the removal of discrimination.

Thank you to everyone who came and took part.

Things to Read, Watch & Listen

The Complexity of Surrogacy in Australia

In this video, Stephen Page from Page Provan Family and Fertility Lawyers explores the complexities surrounding surrogacy in Australia.

Proposed Changes to Assisted Reproductive Technology in New South Wales

In this video, Page Provan Director and award-winning surrogacy lawyer Stephen Page discusses the proposed changes to assisted reproductive technology in New South Wales.

Do Grandparents Have Rights in Family Law

In this video, Bruce Provan, Managing Director of Page Provan Family and Fertility Lawyers, addresses the important issue of grandparents’ rights in Australia.

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International Academy of Family Lawyers - IAFL
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