Qantas, CBA back equal rights for same sex marriage

Qantas, CBA back equal rights for same sex marriage

Qantas, Seek, IBM,Telstra and the Commonwealth Bank have publicly recognised same sex marriages of their employees, according to Australian Marriage Equality.

Australian Marriage Equality has just started a campaign to get big business on board.

According to

the Sydney Morning Herald

SEEK human resources director Meahan Callaghan said: “We strongly believe that everyone should be treated equally and when we heard about this initiative we were happy for SEEK to be involved.”

A spokesman for the Commonwealth Bank said the bank agreed to be named as an employer that extended equal recognition to same-sex marriage.

“The bank does not condone discrimination, harassment or bullying of any sort,” he said.

The full list of employers is:

Air Canada

Commonwealth Bank of Australia


Marquette Turner Estate Agents


Salt Clinic

Seek Limited


Winning Attitudes Recruitment

Wood and Stone Pizza Restaurants

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