Research into police response to domestic violence
Brisbane university researchers are seeking to interview women who have been involved with criminal prosecutions of domestic violence ( breach or other offences ). Generally this will involve situations where their violent partner has been prosecuted, but there may be some situations where the woman pushed for prosecution but the police were unwilling.
If possible researchers would like to talk to people who have been engaged in a criminal prosecution of this type from 2004 onwards.The specific issues to be covered include:
1. How do police attending domestic violence call-outs provide battered women with an opportunity to make a criminal complaint about the violence experienced?
2. How do police and prosecution authorities include battered women in decision-making about appropriate charges to be laid?
3. How are battered women provided with support and information throughout the trial of the case?
4. What kinds of sentencing outcomes are appropriate?
5. What were the effects of criminal prosecution- does it contribute to safety / fear etc.
Does this fit you? If so, you will also need to live in south-east Queensland. If you believe you are suitable, email me at and I can put you in touch.