Restrictions on entering Qld
The Restrictions on entering Queensland are these, found here:
Border restrictions
Direction from Chief Health Officer in accordance with emergency powers arising from the declared public health emergency
Border restrictions
Public Health Act 2005 (Qld)
Section 362B
On 29 January 2020, under the Public Health Act 2005, the Minister for Health and Minister for Ambulance Services made an order (Order) declaring a public health emergency in relation to coronavirus disease (COVID-19). The public health emergency area specified in the Order is for ‘all of Queensland’. Its duration has been extended by regulation to 19 May 2020 and may be further extended.
Further to this declaration, l, Dr Jeannette Young, Chief Health Officer, reasonably believe it is necessary to give the following directions pursuant to the powers under s362B of the Public Health Act 2005 to assist in containing, or to respond to, the spread of COVID-19 within the community.
For the purpose of these directions, all travellers to Queensland including returning residents should practice social distancing and risk mitigation measures such as remaining 1.5 metres away from other persons, regular washing of hands, and limiting travel outside of the home or place of accommodation except for the purpose of purchasing food or other necessities.
This direction is to be read in conjunction with all other Public Health Directions.
This Public Health Direction may be referred to as the Public Health Direction – Border Restrictions.
1.These directions apply from midnight on Wednesday 25 March 2020 until the end of the declared public health emergency, unless they are revoked or replaced.
Arrivals to Queensland
2.A person who arrives in Queensland from another State or Territory of Australia must self-quarantine for a period of 14 days, unless they are an exempt person.
3.Despite the direction in paragraph 2, an exempt person, who arrives in Queensland must self-quarantine for a period of 14 days if:
athey have been outside the border of Australia in the last 14 days; or
b they travelled in the last 14 days to particular areas of Australia. The particular areas of Australia that require self-quarantine will be decided by the Chief Health Officer and published on the Queensland Health website.
Additional requirements for people arriving by aircraft
4.Any person who arrives by aircraft may not enter Queensland unless they provide the following information upon arrival:
a.Personal and contact details;
b.The address where they intend to stay in Queensland;
c.Information about where they have travelled in the last 30 days; and
d.Any other information requested in an arrivals form.
A person is an exempt person if they fall in any of the following classes of persons:
Queensland Residents
5.Any person who is ordinarily resident in Queensland.
National and State Security and Government employees
6.Any Government official who, in carrying out their duties, is responsible for the safety of Australia or Queensland against threats such as terrorism, war or espionage, and is required to be present in Queensland for such purposes.
7.Active military personnel required to be on duty in Queensland while in Queensland.
8.A member of the Australian Federal Police or Australian Border Force required to be on duty while in Queensland.
9.A Federal, State or local government employee, worker or contractor who is required to return to Queensland to perform official duties in Queensland.
10.A Federal, State or local government elected representative who is travelling to Queensland to perform official duties in Queensland.
11.Consular employees as defined in the Consular Privileges and Immunities Act 1972 (Cth) travelling to Queensland to perform official duties in Queensland.
Health Services
12.A health practitioner who is requested by the Queensland Chief Health Officer or delegate to present for duty in Queensland to perform health services.
13.A Queensland Ambulance Service employee, paramedic, or an officer of St John Ambulance Australia , RACQ Lifeflight crew, Royal Flying Doctor Service crew or other aeromedical services crew who are providing medical care and/or transport to a patient in Queensland.
14.A person who, in carrying out their duties, is responsible for providing health support services or for the maintenance, resupply or repair of health services infrastructure critical to Queensland. This includes Australian Red Cross Lifeblood.
Emergency services
15.Any person who, in carrying out their duties, is responsible for the provision of emergency services in Queensland and is required to be present in Queensland for such purpose. This includes Queensland Ambulance Service, St Johns Ambulance Australia, Queensland Police Service, Fire and Emergency Services and State Emergency Services.
Transport, freight and logistics
16.Any person who in performing their duties is responsible for provision of services for local passenger transport including bus services, taxi and ride share services, transport or freight of goods, or logistics for the goods, into, within and out of Queensland, on the condition that the person must practise social distancing wherever possible, including maintaining a distance of at least 1.5 metres where reasonably practicable and remain self-quarantined in their vehicle or accommodation.
17.Ship crew travelling from another State or Territory, for the limited period of delivery of persons, transport or freight of goods, or logistics for them, into, within and out of Queensland, on the condition that the person must practise social distancing wherever possible, including maintaining a distance of at least 1.5 metres where reasonably practicable and must remain on board ship in self-quarantine until the ship departs Queensland or via a flight, where the self-quarantine period is less than 14 days.
18.A member of a domestic, commercial or charter flight crew who self-quarantine until departing Queensland on another flight.
Specialist skills critical to maintaining key government services, industries or businesses and fly in fly out workers
19.Any person who, in carrying out their duties, is responsible, while in Queensland, for construction, maintenance, resupply or repair of infrastructure critical to Queensland.
20.A person who is an employee of a construction, commercial fishing, manufacturing, mining, energy or agribusiness employee whose company or service provider has a plan to manage preventing the transmission of COVID-19 amongst its employees and the community, and the plan complies with the requirements specified by the Chief Health Officer. An employee who is fly in fly out worker is only exempt if they satisfy the requirements in paragraph 21 below.
21.A fly in fly out worker of company or service provider listed in paragraph 20, who is travelling to a worksite or work camp that is provided by their employer, and who has provided the following information upon arrival:
a.the name of their employer; and
b.evidence that they are a fly in fly out worker; and
c.evidence that they are entering Queensland to go directly to work; and
d.evidence of the location of the worksite or work camp.
People living and working close to the border of New South Wales, South Australia or the Northern Territory
22.Any person who is ordinarily a resident of a State or Territory that shares a border with Queensland, being New South Wales, South Australia and the Northern Territory and:
a.who either:
i.ordinarily works in Queensland; or
ii.travels to Queensland to obtain essential goods and services; and
b.enters Queensland, by crossing a land border, for the purposes of attending work or to obtain essential goods and services; and
c.does not propose to stay in Queensland for longer than reasonably necessary to attend work or obtain essential goods and services.
23.Any person who is ordinarily a resident of Queensland who works in New South Wales, South Australia or the Northern Territory or who travels outside of Queensland to obtain essential goods and services.
Persons entering Queensland on compassionate grounds or under compulsion of law
24.Any person, who:
a.ordinarily resides in another State or Territory; and a carer or relative of a dependant individual who is in Queensland; and required to travel to Queensland to care for the dependent individual.
25.Any dependant individual, who:
a.ordinarily resides in another State or Territory; and required to travel to Queensland to reside with a carer or relative who resides in Queensland because a carer or relative is unable to care for them in their home State or Territory.
26.Any person who is entering Queensland for essential medical treatment or to otherwise obtain essential goods and services necessary for the preservation of life.
27.Any person who is entering Queensland to visit a terminally ill relative or to attend a funeral.
28.Any person who is required to enter Queensland under orders of any Court of Australia or to give effect to orders of the Court.
29.Any person who usually resides in a residential facility in another State or Territory, for example, a boarding school or college, which is closed for scheduled holidays or because of COVID-19, who needs to return to Queensland to stay with family or a carer.
30.Any other person, or class of persons, exempted by the Queensland Chief Health Officer because the Queensland Chief Health Officer considers:
a.they have compassionate or other grounds such that self-isolation would lead to an unusual, undeserved or disproportionate hardship; or
b.they are essential for the proper functioning of State; or
c.their location of residence requires them to move across the border to obtain critical goods and services.
Essential goods and services means goods and services including, or to perform a function related to, the provision of food, healthcare, education and child care, energy, internet, waste and recycling management, finance and insurance.
Health practitioner means:
a.a registered health practitioner under the Health Practitioner National Law; or
b.the following health service providers under the Health Ombudsman Act 2013 (Qld): audiologists, social workers, dieticians, speech pathologists and exercise physiologists providing community based clinical services and primary health care.
Note: a registered health practitioner includes a person registered in the following professions:
a. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health practice;
b. Chinese medicine;
c. chiropractic;
d. dental (including the profession of a dentist, dental therapist, dental hygienist, dental prosthetist and oral health therapist);
e. medical;
f. medical radiation practice;
g. midwifery;
ga. nursing;
h. occupational therapy;
i. optometry;
j. osteopathy;
ja. paramedicine;
k. pharmacy;
l. physiotherapy;
m. podiatry;
n. psychology.
A person to whom the direction applies commits an offence if the person fails, without reasonable excuse, to comply with the direction.
Section 362D of the Public Health Act 2005 provides:
Failure to comply with public health directions
A person to whom a public health direction applies must comply with the direction unless the person has a reasonable excuse.
Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.
Dr Jeannette Young
Chief Health Officer
25 March 2020
Published on the Queensland Health website at: 5:00pm