Surrogacy: proposed 15 point plan for national laws

Surrogacy: proposed 15 point plan for national laws

Federal and State and Territory Attorneys-General have agreed to a 15 point plan for consistent surrogacy laws. The Standing Committee of Attorneys-General, the unfortunately named SCAG, issued this communique yesterday:

The Standing Committee of Attorneys-General in conjunction with the
Australian Health Ministers Conference and the Community Services
Ministers Conference has been working towards developing model provisions
that will form the basis of surrogacy laws in Australia. Ministers
agreed to a set of 15 draft principles upon which the model provisions could be
based. These draft principles will now be referred to the Australian
Health Ministers Conference and the Community Services Ministers
Conference to consider. Ministers recognised that valuable input from the
public consultation informed the development of the 15 principles.

I asked the Commonwealth’s Attorney-General’s media officer yesterday for the release of the 15 principles, but was told that he did not know whether the 15 principles were for public information or not, and that he would get back to me. At the time of posting, he had not.

Things to Read, Watch & Listen

The Complexity of Surrogacy in Australia

In this video, Stephen Page from Page Provan Family and Fertility Lawyers explores the complexities surrounding surrogacy in Australia.

Proposed Changes to Assisted Reproductive Technology in New South Wales

In this video, Page Provan Director and award-winning surrogacy lawyer Stephen Page discusses the proposed changes to assisted reproductive technology in New South Wales.

Do Grandparents Have Rights in Family Law

In this video, Bruce Provan, Managing Director of Page Provan Family and Fertility Lawyers, addresses the important issue of grandparents’ rights in Australia.

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