Unbelievable! I received LGBT spam
Tuesday, August 02, 2016
I could never have imagined this. This morning I received LGBT spam. The email, from a Japanese email address, was tagged LGBT charity aid. I won’t be taking up the offer!
The email speaks for itself: the latest variation of the Nigerian scam:
My Dear,
I don’t know how my generosity offer may sound to you, especially as it comes from a stranger, I am contacting you through a magazine which I picked here in my hospital sick bed as it’s the only chance I had to give my wealth away for Gods Work due to my illness .
My name is Ms.Sorah Goodesh from Ivory Coast, I am writing to you from CHU hospital here in Abidjan where I diagnosed of Cancer illness. My doctor advised me this morning to write my will due to my Cancer and Stroke illness, he made it clear to me that he is not going to guarantee my life in this surgery.
Meanwhile, I don’t have any Child that will inherit my wealth, and my relatives have rejected my wealth due to my gender as a homosexual. Been a homosexual is a taboo here in Ivory Coast and other African countries. So I will like to hand you over this fund and my properties as a donation to help disability children who can not afford their daily bread and living expenses to help propagating the word of God.
My donation is not necessarily for Lesbian or Gay people, but for whom ever that can use this fund for upliftment of poor street children.
As soon as you respond to this message I will inform my bank for immediate transfer of this fund to your personal bank account for this project, I want you to always pray for my up coming surgery.
Yours Sister