Uniform Anti-Discrimination laws?

Uniform Anti-Discrimination laws?

In the current honeymoon of Federal/State relations, the Standing Committee of Attornies-General has recently announced that there will be uniform anti-discrimination laws in every State, Territory and by the Commonwealth.

Federal Attorney-General Robert McClelland said:

This has the potential to benefit not only business, who currently have to comply with inconsistent laws, but all Australians, who are entitled to expect equivalent rights regardless of the State or Territory in which they live”, Mr McClelland said.

Things to Read, Watch & Listen

The Complexity of Surrogacy in Australia

In this video, Stephen Page from Page Provan Family and Fertility Lawyers explores the complexities surrounding surrogacy in Australia.

Proposed Changes to Assisted Reproductive Technology in New South Wales

In this video, Page Provan Director and award-winning surrogacy lawyer Stephen Page discusses the proposed changes to assisted reproductive technology in New South Wales.

Do Grandparents Have Rights in Family Law

In this video, Bruce Provan, Managing Director of Page Provan Family and Fertility Lawyers, addresses the important issue of grandparents’ rights in Australia.

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