Parenting Orders Programs- a Success?

Parenting Orders Programs- a Success?

Respected researcher, Thea Brown, has researched the history of parenting orders programs.

Her conclusion: they seem to be worthwhile as an alternative to repeated court hearings.

I remember when these programs were introduced. There was real concern within the community sector as to whether to bid for the government funding for these programs. The reason was clear- while money was provided, the clients were those forced to be there by court order- because they had either been the applicant or respondent to a contravention application made in the Family Court or more commonly the Federal Magistrates Court.

Clients who are forced to be there and are there because they have either contravened a court order, or their former partner are not likely to be very happy campers.

It is good to see that these courses might actually work and keep some of these bitter fights out of court, for the benefit of all concerned, including the taxpayer, but most importantly the children in the centre of their parents’ dispute.

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