Disclosure: “Show and tell” not “hide and seek”

Disclosure: “Show and tell” not “hide and seek”

In a recent case, Kennedy and McDermott, Federal Magistrate Lucev dealt with an interim application for the father to make formal discovery on a child support application.

In dealing with the obligation to make disclosure, his Honour said:

“Put succinctly, as it often is by Counsel, the obligation is to “show and tell” not “hide and seek.”

Things to Read, Watch & Listen

When Not If the Intended Parents Become Parents

The road to parenthood through surrogacy may not always be smooth, but with the right approach, it’s not a matter of if, but when you’ll welcome your child.

Surrogates & Donors are Extraordinary People

Surrogates and donors make parenthood possible for so many who can’t conceive on their own—whether it’s heterosexual couples, LGBTQ+ parents, single parents, or those with medical conditions. Their generosity is nothing short of life-changing.

Anonymity is Dead in Surrogacy: The Rise of Technology and Its Impact on Donor Privacy

In this video, Stephen dives into one of the 10 lessons he’s learned since his first surrogacy case in 1988: the death of anonymity in surrogacy and donor conception.

Family Law Section Law Council of Australia Award
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Family law Practitioners Association
International Academy of Family Lawyers - IAFL
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