Family Court, Federal Magistrates Court fees go up
As happens on 1 July each year, the Federal Government has increased the fees payable to the Government in both the Family Court of Australia and the Federal Magistrates Court of Australia:
Family Court of Australia Fees from 1 July 2008
$682 Application for divorce
$682 Application for Nullity
$682 Application for declaration as to validity
$155 Application for final orders
$155 Response to an application for final orders
$534 Hearing fee (defended matters)
$534 Notice of appeal from a court of summary jurisdiction
$840 Notice of appeal to the Full Court including an appeal from the Federal Magistrates Court
Federal Magistrates Court Fees from 1 July
$432 Application for divorce
$155 Application (for children or property)
$155 Response, seeking different orders sought by applicant
(for children or property)
$390 Hearing fee/Setting down fee (defended matter)
Nil Child Support Application/Response
It should be noted that exemptions apply due to financial hardship, for example that the person is in receipt of a pension.
Just to be clear- these fees are NOT payable to lawyers- they are a tax payable to the Government, representing a very small portion of the cost to the taxpayer for operating these courts.