Family Court puts in place COVID-19 arrangements

Family Court puts in place COVID-19 arrangements

The Family Court of Australia and the Federal Circuit Court of Australia have today with immediate effect put in place new rules to deal with the challenge of COVID-19. One of the key rules is to do away with the cattle crush that often happens on busy duty days, by listing only urgent matters, using electronic appearances as much as possible, and limiting the number of people in the court room.

Here is the statement issued by the courts today:

The health and safety of the community, Judges and staff is the Courts’ priority. Therefore, due to the escalating situation regarding the coronavirus, and in anticipation of further measures likely to be announced by Government, some urgent operational arrangements will be put in place effective immediately regarding the listing of court work across the Family Court and the Federal Circuit Court. The aim of the new arrangements is to ensure that all urgent and priority matters are able to be dealt with safely by the courts, whilst at the same time, ensuring appropriate social distancing is adhered to.
Judges have been advised by the Chief Justice/Chief Judge of new arrangements, as follows:

All family law work

List arrangements and capping of number of people in each courtroom

Any trials or hearings that can be done by telephone should be.
Any high volume lists required to be conducted in person need to be staggered to reduce the number of people in attendance in the Registry, and the number of people to attend a courtroom at any one time (other than the judge and their support staff) is limited to 8 people (‘8 person in-court cap’). Any additional people involved in matters must remain outside the courtroom, or can appear by telephone if appropriate. All matters that can be appropriately conducted by telephone should proceed in that way.

Judge work – family law

  1. Summer Campaign callovers

    The balance of the Sydney Federal Circuit Court callovers are to be vacated immediately and will be adjourned to a date to be fixed. Notifications have already been sent to the parties and practitioners for the matters that were listed today. Notifications will be sent to parties and practitioners today for matters listed for the rest of the week. The situation will be assessed on a regular basis, and the parties will be notified of new callover dates when that becomes possible.
    The callovers in the Federal Circuit Court in Brisbane, Parramatta and Adelaide will be postponed until an appropriate time. The situation will be monitored regularly and judges, local registry staff and parties will be contacted shortly.

  2. Duty lists

    Duty lists should be reduced to only urgent or priority matters. Assessing which matters should remain listed is a matter for each Judge based on the nature of the cases in question.
    In terms of structuring the list, duty lists should be staggered throughout the day to be consistent with social distancing principles, and not exceeding the 8 person in-court cap.

  3. Trials and other contested hearings

    Due to the nature of family law work, including child related and family violence aspects, urgent and priority hearings should remain listed, and be conducted in the safest manner possible. It may be that Judges consider conducting parts of the case by telephone where appropriate.
    Non-urgent property only matters may be adjourned for an appropriate period of time, and non-urgent parenting matters will be given similar consideration. Again these matters are at the discretion of the Judge.
    Any trials or hearings that can conducted by telephone or videoconference should take place in that way.

  4. Circuits

    Circuits for the next two months are in the process of being reviewed and it may be that some matters will be adjourned or conducted by telephone. Further communications regarding circuits will be provided shortly.

  5. Appeals

    At this stage, appeals are likely to be conducted only by videoconference or telephone where possible to reduce travel. Parties and practitioners will be contacted in the near future regarding upcoming appeal listings.

Official events and gatherings

All court based events, or attendances of the judiciary or court representatives at external events, will be cancelled or postponed, or conducted by telephone or videoconference if possible.

Registrar work and CDS work

A similar approach will be taken in respect of Registrar court lists and other work, and CDS work. Urgent plans are currently being developed and communications will be provided shortly.
It is also noted that Registrar migration lists have been suspended until July 2020 by the Federal Court, effective immediately.

Enquiries for parties or the profession

General enquires about the above matters should be directed, at first instance, to Michael Raine, via or (08) 8219 1641.
Urgent enquiries should be directed to Chambers in the usual way.

Things to Read, Watch & Listen

When Not If the Intended Parents Become Parents

The road to parenthood through surrogacy may not always be smooth, but with the right approach, it’s not a matter of if, but when you’ll welcome your child.

Surrogates & Donors are Extraordinary People

Surrogates and donors make parenthood possible for so many who can’t conceive on their own—whether it’s heterosexual couples, LGBTQ+ parents, single parents, or those with medical conditions. Their generosity is nothing short of life-changing.

Anonymity is Dead in Surrogacy: The Rise of Technology and Its Impact on Donor Privacy

In this video, Stephen dives into one of the 10 lessons he’s learned since his first surrogacy case in 1988: the death of anonymity in surrogacy and donor conception.

Family Law Section Law Council of Australia Award
Member of Queensland law society
Family law Practitioners Association
International Academy of Family Lawyers - IAFL
Mediator Standards Board